Women’s History Month falls in March of every year and this is a time when we celebrate the progress we have made towards achieving gender equality, diversity, and inclusivity in the workplace. This week, we spoke to the female members of our team to learn more about their personal experiences whilst building their careers and the important roles they play in supporting the Terra Health Essentials community.
Kelly Rogers, VP of Brand Marketing
Where are you from? Auburn
Favorite way to unwind? Walking my dog.
One item you always have in your bag? My homemade lip oil.
Favorite quote? “Well behaved women seldom make history.”
What do you think have been the turning points in your career and did you recognize them at the time or later?
A turning point in my career that stands out was the first opportunity I was offered to join a superfood company as a Sr. Content Strategist. I was working in media at the time and this medium was way out of my comfort zone. I was surprised that they had so much faith in me and had I gone to fear instead of optimism I would be where I am today in the supplement world.I usually don’t realize the path until it’s a little ways behind me and then the “why” makes perfect sense.
Have you seen the workplace transform in terms of diversity and inclusion since starting your career? In what areas do you believe there is still room for improvement?
Absolutely, there are many more female leaders in the business space than there was when I first got my start. It’s great to see the new trend and how fierce and fabulous the ladies are who are running many well-known CPG brands. I think it’s a continuing struggle to prove your worth at times and think women should remember to lift each other up as they make their way to the top.
Who has been the most influential woman in your personal or professional life and how have they helped to shape who you are now?
My mom, she was a great advisor and inspiration in my professional life. Always there to guide and give honest insights about the next decision that needed to be made in my career. Her advice was always the perfect balance between a head and heart-based decision.
If you could invite your favorite historical female figure for brunch, who would it be, and why? What’s the one burning question you’d ask her?
Amelia Erhart, I was always so impressed by the risks she took in her aviation career. She proved herself to be brave and courageous when most people doubted that a woman could fly and make it solo across the Atlantic. I would want to know where she got her courage from and want to know what really happened when she disappeared in 1937.
What advice do you have for young women starting out in the workforce based on your own experience?
My best advice would be to never be afraid to advocate for yourself, it’s much easier to get a no than to wonder the rest of your life if you could’ve accomplished more if you’d have more faith in yourself. Also, surround yourself with inspiring people. It’s hard to learn how to be a lifter if you get stuck in the mundane moments, a little extra hope on hard days makes a big difference.
What’s your go-to Terra Health Essentials supplement and why?
I can’t live without our Liposomal Curcumin, I’m drawn to it mostly for its anti-inflammatory benefits and immune-boosting properties!
Elizabeth Morelan, Social Media and Brand Partnerships Manager
Where are you from? I am from San Diego, Ca
Favorite way to unwind? Reading a Fantasy book on my kindle.
One item you always have in your bag? My airpods.
Favorite quote? “Without reading, we are all without light in the dark, without fire in the cold.”– Tamora Pierce
If you could invite your favorite historical female figure for brunch, who would it be, and why? What’s the one burning question you’d ask her? I would love to have brunch with Eleanor of Aquitaine. She was at two points in her life the Queen of France and Queen of England who helped promote the arts, acts of chivalry and was a proponent of educating women during the medieval ages. She also had several children that were either queens or kings in their own right through marriage or inheritance.
Can you tell us a bit about your career journey to date and what you do now?
I began my career in the horse industry as an intern for one of the top sport horse breeders in the US, Spy Coast Farm in Lexington. I worked there after college classes and during the summer and learned so much about hard work, horse care and general life management. After that I worked as a freelance groom for a few different internationally ranked riders during the summers and got to travel all over the country and even to Canada. I graduated college in 2019 and took a sales role for a horse pharmaceutical and supplies company that had mobile locations all over the US, though I primarily worked in the southeast and midwest.
Eventually I became the manager of the Kentucky location. I learned so much about sales, customer and employee management and equine health during my time there. I continued my sales journey with a San Diego based logistics company where I had my first truly “corporate tech” experience. I had the opportunity to join Terra Health in April of 2021 as a UGC coordinator and since then have risen up the ranks to Social Media and Brand Partnerships manager which I enjoy so much and it has been a great learning opportunity!
Who has been the most influential woman in your personal or professional life and how have they helped to shape who you are now?
Oh gosh there have been so many influential people in my career. I have to give this shoutout to my manager at Farmvet Kelly Kinsler. She has had the most interesting career, and was always a great person to bounce ideas off of. She taught me a lot about managing employees and always providing great customer service and striving to always be surpassing your goals.
Can you share one thing you think others can do to support and empower the women in their lives both inside and outside the workplace?
Something that I think has gotten better within the workplace for women specifically is that there is more conversation and discussion about the challenges we face. The community of support has grown and has opened a lot of doors for women in all workspaces. Taking the time to mentor people,support them on social media like Linkedin and offer advice is always a great way to support other women in their career goals.
Looking back on your career, what’s something you wish you had known earlier?
Every person you meet on your career journey has something to teach you, either in a positive growth way or in a way that shows you what NOT to do.
What’s your go-to Terra Health Essentials supplement and why?
My go-to product is the Super Greens product. It is a great way to boost your greens intake,and is a healthy source of energy and focus that keeps my busy days on track.
Gráinne Logue, Content and Community Manager
Where are you from? Donegal, Ireland. Living in Dublin.
Favorite way to unwind? Binging on a good Netflix show!
One item you always have in your bag? My iPhone.
Favorite quote? “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am”. – Sylvia Plath.

Who has been the most influential woman in your personal or professional life and how have they helped to shape who you are now?
My aunty Nell has been the most influential woman in both my personal and professional life because she shaped me into who I am today and always pushed me to believe in myself and go for what I wanted despite any obstacles. She’s an incredibly strong, resilient, and compassionate person, which are characteristics I try to live up to and implement in my own life.
If you could invite your favorite historical female figure for brunch, who would it be, and why? What’s the one burning question you’d ask her?
Gráinne Ní Mháille (my namesake!) was a rebel who broke the mold and defied gender expectations of her time by leading men against the English in Ireland’s fight for independence in the 16th century. She came from a seafaring family and was also known as the “Pirate Queen ”, so in other words she was a bit of a badass. There’s one story that when her father refused to take her out on the ships as her hair was too long, she simply cut it off and got the nickname “Gráinne Mhaol” as “Mhaol” translates to “bald” in Irish.
I’d find out if she really refused to bow before the Queen of England (there’s a story that when she met the Queen she refused to bow as she didn’t recognize her as the Queen of Ireland).
What do you think have been the turning points in your career and did you recognize them at the time or later?
I worked in media/advertising sales and journalism for a few years after graduating with my BA in Media Production Management, but I think my turning point was when I did a diploma in Digital Marketing in 2011 and took on a position with the Digital Marketing Institute as a consultant. This was when digital marketing was just becoming a “thing”, so I knew it was a great opportunity and grabbed the chance to upskill and utilize my existing skillset at the same time. This gave me the experience to go on to set up my own business in the area of content writing and content marketing which led me to the position I’m in now.
What barriers/obstacles have you faced whilst building your career, and how did you overcome them?
When I worked in sales, it was quite a male-dominated industry that was very target-driven with little in the way of support. I really had to push myself up the ranks to make myself seen and I had to be very thick-skinned. I recall in one company finding out that 2 male colleagues who started after myself and another female colleague were earning more than us. We brought it to management and were told it was based on experience, but we did get our raise in the end after arguing that we were hitting the same targets, so I’m not so sure about that excuse. I’d like to say it was a different time but I’m sure this still happens and it’s important for women to advocate for themselves when they see it.
What advice do you have for young women starting out in the workforce based on your own experience?
Don’t be afraid to take up space. Connect with other women in your industry; I got my first start in writing via an editorial director I met on an online forum where I’d said I was looking for work and asked for advice. She happened to read it and offered some work which turned into an internship abroad. Also, make sure you know your value and your worth and don’t be afraid to put a figure on it that you’re deserving of.
What’s your go-to Terra Health Essentials supplement and why?
I found out I had an extreme Vitamin D deficiency a few years ago and it took me a year to get it back up to a normal level. I was initially put on a prescription Vitamin D supplement dose but then our Liposomal Vitamin D3+K2 came out which is much stronger, so I take it daily to ensure my levels stay up.
Brittany Luebke, Brand Project Manager
Where are you from? Orange County, CA
Favorite way to unwind? Post dinner walk with the family. My dog, Chico, thinks it’s for him, but really it’s for me. 😉
One item you always have in your bag? I’d say my cellphone, but it’s more so always in my hand not my bag. IN my bag, will always be my Gelato shop Loyalty stamp card, so I can be sure to earn my stamps for a free gelato!
Favorite quote? “Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed.” – Elle Woods
Looking back on your career, what’s something you wish you had known earlier?
Seeing the many various hats I wear now, and the number of career changes I’ve made throughout the years, which is something I think is more and more common in this day and age for a lot of people…I wish I took my risks and tried more things early on in entering the workforce. Just because you studied one major, or worked in one industry doesn’t mean you have to stay there.
Who has been the most influential woman in your personal or professional life and how have they helped to shape who you are now?
I had a professor in college, Dr. Katie. She was a brilliant Theater director, sound designer and lighting designer. She saw in me something I didn’t think anybody else appreciated. After she casted me in my first college production, it gave me confidence in owning that piece of me she saw, which I think now is my greatest asset. I owe a lot of my perspective, critical thinking, and management approach to her.
If you could invite your favorite historical female figure for brunch, who would it be, and why? What’s the one burning question you’d ask her?
I don’t know if I have a “favorite” but someone I would love to brunch with would be Lucille Ball. Not only was she an undeniable light on camera, she was a powerful figure off screen, and was the first woman to own her own television studio. My question to her would be, “how do you balance people’s view of you with being the jokester but also the boss?”
Can you share one thing you think others can do to support and empower the women in their lives both inside and outside the workplace?
I think we ladies could help each other out by making a pact and be in agreement to all be a little more selfish and simply better prioritize taking care of ourselves. It is in our nature, as women, to always care and worry about others. Therefore, if we were each assured our female counterparts were putting themselves first and doing what is best for them, we may all feel lighter and able to stay focused and centered in whatever we’re doing.
What advice do you have for young women starting out in the workforce based on your own experience?
Own what you know, but more so own what you DON’T know. Having clear strengths and weaknesses helps inform others exactly what they know you can deliver on, which in the end is more reliable and valuable to a company. Don’t be wishy washy.
What’s your go-to Terra Health Essentials supplement and why?
Noofocus has been my most recent fave! I have always started my mornings with Super Greens, Liposomal Glutathione, and Liposomal Curcumin. Then more recently, I’ve added Noofocus on days I have big meetings or have a lot to get done, and I really do feel the difference! It’s like my little productivity pills 😉
Aspen Snethen, Email Marketing Manager
Where are you from? I’m from San Diego, California
Favorite way to unwind? Jiu jitsu & yoga are my favorite ways to release mental & physical tension.
One item you always have in your bag? My Beats Studio earbuds
Favorite quote? “When you think that you are done, you’re only 40% into what your body’s capable of doing. That’s just the limits that we put on ourselves.” – David Goggins
Can you tell us a bit about your career journey to date and what you do now?
I decided to pursue a career in marketing about 9 years ago. It appealed to me because it gave me the freedom to work in both a technical and creative way. I’ve worked in many different industries: fitness, fashion, tech, ecommerce, B2B, and found that my favorite is the supplement industry. Now at Terra Health Essentials, I am the Email Marketing Manager and do some copywriting, too.
Who has been the most influential woman in your personal or professional life and how have they helped to shape who you are now?
My mom has been a very significant positive influence on me as a person and professional. Ever since I was small she has always encouraged me to eat healthy, work out, and push myself to do amazing things. She is my biggest fan, and has supported me through every big moment in my career and life. She works harder than anyone I know, she loves animals, cares about the planet, and is nice to everyone she meets. I’m so lucky to have her!
If you could invite your favorite historical female figure for brunch, who would it be, and why? What’s the one burning question you’d ask her?
I would invite Frida Kahlo- I’ve loved her trippy and surreal art since I was a kid just beginning to learn how to paint. Her life story is one of strength and perseverance and she is truly an icon. It would be really interesting to learn about the political and cultural factors of that time that ultimately shaped and influenced her art. She has inspired so many women to become artists.
What barriers/obstacles have you faced whilst building your career, and how did you overcome them?
There’s always going to be an obstacle that comes up that I don’t already know how to fix, or a task that comes up regarding something I’m not experienced in. Ultimately, I’ve come to understand that facing the unknown is an inherent part of career progression (especially in marketing – some of the BIGGEST WINS are waiting for you in that unknown). I’m so grateful to have awesome mentors to point me in the right direction over the years.
What advice do you have for young women starting out in the workforce based on your own experience?
The studying doesn’t stop after you graduate – it’s just the beginning. Based on my own experience, the real ‘leveling up’ is in sacrificing weekends and Friday nights out to learn. It’s an investment in your career and also yourself, and teaches you discipline. Read as much as you can. Listen to audiobooks if that’s your thing, or watch a Youtube video every day on a topic you want to learn. Lean into each hurdle and embrace the learning curve. Work hard at your 9-5, and make the most of your 6-10 to exponentially grow in your career.
What’s your go-to Terra Health Essentials supplement and why?
100% Liposomal Glutathione. I’ve tried so many brands over the years, and our formula’s flavor is top notch! It has helped my skin so much – it seems to be healing my hyperpigmentation from the inside out