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Category: Acid Reflux

Client Journey Series: Havalina Gurevich

Hava, 55, came to us for help from acid reflux after decades of suffering from digestive symptoms she began to believe were “the price of eating”. Like many others, she had become discouraged with her doctor’s treatment suggestions, but she refused to give up hope and started researching alternative solutions. Hava began Terra Health Essentials

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Mushroom Coffee: A Gut-Healthy Brew for Better Digestion!

To start with, I’d like to 100% validate your addiction. I get it. We’re all friends here. And it’s not just about that energy boost. Coffee has some amazing benefits not everyone knows about.. like potentially delaying aging and reducing the risk of cognitive decline, depression, and even cancer. Yep, pretty phenomenal right? Unfortunately, with

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Heartburn Heating Up? Swap the TUMS for ACV

Sometimes, you have to fight acid with acid. If you’ve been dealing with acid reflux and heartburn, you’ve probably been taking an acid blocker such as TUMS. Or an antacid like Nexium. However, these “solutions” often aren’t really solutions at all. They’re merely a short-term fix. Once you stop taking them, your heartburn comes back.

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ACV Gummies: A Delicious Way To Improve Digestion

Let’s Make Good Gut Health Easier to Digest Wouldn’t it be great if everything that’s good for you tasted just as good? Unfortunately that’s not always the case… I mean, does anyone wake up thinking “I’d love to start today with a shot of wheatgrass”?! That’s why you see 1000s of smoothie recipes that sneak

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Heartburn and Gastritis: What’s The Difference?

I used to think gastritis and heartburn were pretty much the same thing! So whenever I felt that familiar burning stomach pain I’d just pop a TUMs and get on with my day. If you’re in the same boat, you’re not alone. Many people get confused by these conditions because the symptoms of gastritis and

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GERD Diet: 5 Foods that Help with Acid Reflux

If you’ve been following our blog posts for a while, you’ll have learned that acid reflux is commonly caused by LOW stomach acid, not excess stomach acid. Yep, that’s right! Low acidity in your gut stops your lower esophageal sphincter muscle from closing tightly after you eat. Which then allows acid and food particles to

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Heartburn Hurts: 4 Tips to Help Night-time Heartburn

Is there anything worse than not getting a good night’s sleep because your throat is basically on fire? You can’t get comfortable. There’s no chance of lying in one position for longer than 5 minutes. Your dinner is coming back up (and going back down) about 5 times an hour, and it feels like your

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