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Category: Acid Reflux

How to Know When to Stop Taking the Reflux Inhibitor

One of the most common queries we get from clients who come to us with acid reflux is “how do I know when it’s time to stop taking the Reflux Inhibitor?”. This is a decision that can be pretty stressful for people to make when they’ve finally found something that gives them relief, and that’s

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5 Home Remedies for Heartburn That Actually Work

Picture this: it’s Friday night, and the temptation of a greasy takeaway is calling your name. But if you’re a member of the heartburn club, you know that a few minutes of indulging might lead to hours of discomfort. It’s a tough call to make, and sometimes the pain feels worth it for that one

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Seth’s Story: Relief After 20 Years of Acid Reflux and IBS

Our client Seth had been battling acid reflux, ulcers, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) for two decades when he reached out to us. Although a little skeptical at first, he was committed to finding a way to finally resolve his symptoms and get his life back. This is his story of resilience, determination, and transformation.

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Supplement Timing Made Simple: When and Why

Supplements play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being, even with the best of diets. Whether you’re taking B vitamins, digestive enzymes, magnesium, or a range of other supplements, it’s essential to know the best time to incorporate them into your daily routine. And as many of our clients are on multiple supplements,

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Kristin’s Acid Reflux Nightmare Finally Ends

Kristin, an incredibly resilient lady in her late 40s, recently spoke with us to share her journey in resolving her acid reflux and achieving a healthier, happier life. After suffering from acid reflux for just over a year, Kristin came to us hoping for a solution. She recalls that her symptoms started in 2021 with occasional

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Debunking the Myth: The Truth About Low Stomach Acid

Are you tired of suffering from the constant discomfort of acid reflux and the effects it has on your quality of life? You’re not alone. Acid blockers are often the first line of defense for those grappling with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), but what if these widely prescribed medications don’t actually work? In this myth-busting

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Improving Diet for Optimal Gut Health: With Dietitian Taavi Moore

Seattle-based food blogger and registered dietitian, Taavi Moore, has been making waves in the foodie world with her plant-based creations and expertise in all things gut health related! In this chat with Taavi, she shares her journey, experience as a clinical dietitian, and her expert advice on managing acid reflux through a balanced diet. With

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