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Category: Gut Health

What’s The Real Cause Of Your Bloating?

Most people are familiar with feeling bloated, especially after a big dinner! The occasional bout of bloating is nothing to worry about. But when bloating becomes a common occurrence it can have a detrimental effect on your overall well-being. Symptoms include gas, stomach pain, frequent belching, and those embarrassing tummy gurgles that always seem to

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The Dangers of Ignoring Acid Reflux

The importance of digestive health is becoming more and more evident as science continues to uncover just how interconnected the body really is. For example, we now know that changes in your gut can result in mood changes – and vice versa. This is due to the enteric nervous system in your gut (your little

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Top Signs of Candida Overgrowth and How to Treat It

Top Signs of Candida Overgrowth and How to Treat It Your body is home to a diverse array of fungi and including a yeast called candida. When this fungus is present at normal levels it doesn’t cause any issues. But when it starts to multiply it can lead to a very uncomfortable infection called candidiasis.

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How Slippery Elm Bark is Destroying Acid Reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux you may have heard of something called slippery elm bark mentioned here and there. But what exactly is it and how can it help ease your symptoms? Well, let’s start at the beginning. Slippery elm is an elm tree that can stand over 50 feet high and has been

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How Betaine HCL is Kicking Acid Reflux to the Curb for Good

As we get older, we become increasingly likely to suffer from stomach acid deficiency. This leads to symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, belching, and bloating. In fact, it’s estimated that ¾ people in the US alone struggle with stomach acid deficiency. With 20% of people worldwide suffering from GERD, which is an advanced progression of

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Why Probiotics Are the Answer to Your Gut Health

People are finally starting to take notice of the importance of gut health. It plays an essential role in the overall functioning of our physical and mental well-being. Up to 80% of our whole immune system is located in the gut. Our digestive system is actually the second-largest component of our neurological system! But when

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How to Stay Fit and Healthy When Working From Home

The social distancing protocols as a result of COVID-19 have led to a dramatic increase in the number of people working from home. If this is something that you’re not used to doing on a daily basis, it can really start to take its toll on your physical and mental well-being, unless you learn to

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The Truth About Gluten Intolerance

Gluten-free foods have been mainstream for a while now. But a few years ago they were hidden away in specialty stores and it took quite a bit of searching to find them. The question is; why did going gluten-free become so popular? Have people genuinely only begun to correlate their gut problems with gluten intolerance

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How Healing Your Gut Can Support Your Immune System

temmmuup to .iIn the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic it’s more important than ever to keep your immune system as healthy as possible. Strengthening your immune system can’t stop you from contracting the virus, but it can help to mitigate your response to it. We know this because this is a virus that hits the

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How to Upgrade Your Body With Biohacking

Biohacking represents the human desire to become the very best version of ourselves and it’s ultimately the evolution of what started off as general self-improvement. Biohackers believe in an input/output system where inputs such as diet and exercise significantly affect outputs, such as your mood and energy. With this belief system in place, biohackers constantly

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