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Category: Gut Health

6 Simple Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism

You’ve probably heard a lot about metabolism. It’s commonly one of the first things people talk about when they’re struggling with weight loss, and for good reason! If your metabolism is slow, it can have a massive effect on how your body functions and feels. But what exactly IS metabolism? The best way to compare

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Curcumin: 7 Key Benefits of History’s Not-So-Secret Healer

Back in the day, when modern health trends were just a glimmer in the horizon, turmeric was the go-to remedy for a range of ailments. From niggling pains to troublesome breathing, our ancestors found that this little root held secrets to alleviating discomfort. Little did they know that it actually contained a powerful compound called

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NAD+ : The Molecule of Life….

How Two Scientists Won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Discovering the Fountain of Youth For millennia, stories have been told of the Fountain of Youth. Even though its location remains a mystery, it may have been uncovered in the form of NAD+ by the scientific community. In 1906, while researching fermentation, two scientists, William

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How Your Diet Can Help You Conquer Those Sleepless Nights

Are you tired of tossing and turning, counting sheep, and struggling to catch those elusive ZZZs? We’ve all been there. And it’s not just about feeling a bit groggy when the alarm sets off either. The effects of sleep deprivation can really impact our lives, affecting everything from our professional productivity to interpersonal relationships, health

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Akkermansia: The Secret Superhero in Your Gut!

Aside from being an incredible tricky word to pronounce, muciniphila is a super unique probiotic that lives in your gut. It was first discovered in 2004 and this was considered a scentific breakthrough. During their research, scientists discovered that this powerful probiotic is essential for healthy immune system functioning. However, further studies have shown that

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Improving Diet for Optimal Gut Health: With Dietitian Taavi Moore

Seattle-based food blogger and registered dietitian, Taavi Moore, has been making waves in the foodie world with her plant-based creations and expertise in all things gut health related! In this chat with Taavi, she shares her journey, experience as a clinical dietitian, and her expert advice on managing acid reflux through a balanced diet. With

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Embracing Wellness Over 40: With Health Coach Kim Jefferson

As we navigate the different stages of life, it’s essential to prioritize our well-being and adapt our approach to fitness and health accordingly. In our experiences with clients, we often notice that issues such as acid reflux and aches and pains often come on “out of the blue” as they get older. The aging process

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