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Top Signs of Candida Overgrowth and How to Treat It

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Top Signs of Candida Overgrowth and How to Treat It

Your body is home to a diverse array of fungi and including a yeast called candida. When this fungus is present at normal levels it doesn’t cause any issues. But when it starts to multiply it can lead to a very uncomfortable infection called candidiasis. Usually found on the skin and in the mouth and intestines, studies have shown that candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in the human body.  It’s likely that you’ll develop candidiasis at some point during your life. 

Candida levels should be kept in check by the healthy bacteria in your body. A compromised immune system or a disruption of these healthy bacteria levels can trigger the overproduction of candida. 

Some of the main culprits of candida overgrowth include:

  • Antibiotics
  • A high-carb and high-sugar diet
  • A compromised immune system
  • Periods of high stress
  • Diabetes
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Oral contraceptives

Health Issues Associated with Candida Overgrowth and Signs to Watch Out For

Oral Thrush

Oral thrush happens when Candidiasis symptoms develop in your throat or mouth. It’s most common in infants and children but can happen to adults also. Especially those who neglect their oral hygiene or have a weakened immune system.

Signs of oral thrush include white lesions with a cottage-cheese-like appearance on your tongue, inside your cheeks, on your tonsils/throat, or gums. These can be bumpy, but not always, and will bleed if you try to scrape them off. You will also have redness, soreness, and even swelling that may make it difficult to eat or swallow depending on severity.


Although there is no direct link between candida and fatigue, it goes hand in hand with a weakened immune system. This is a key trigger of candida in adults. A recent study suggests chronic candidiasis in the gut may cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

Regular Urinary Tract Infections

An overgrowth of candida in the vaginal tract can lead to a yeast infection (vaginal candidiasis) and this is extremely common with studies showing that 75% of women develop it at least once in their lives. Although men can also get genital yeast infections, it’s far less common, so it’s primarily a female complaint. The main symptoms to watch out for are swelling, itching, redness, and a thick white vaginal discharge. 

This can also lead to a urinary tract infection. This is recognizable by dark/cloudy urine, a burning feeling when urinating, pain/pressure in the abdomen, and a frequent urge to urinate. 

Changes in Mood

Research has shown an evident link between the gut and brain and although further studies need to be done in this area it is evident that gut problems can have a serious impact on your mood.

Depression, mood swings, and anxiety can often be attributed to an overgrowth of candida.

Digestive Problems

The optimal functioning of your digestive system is heavily dependent on maintaining a balance of good and bad gut bacteria. When this balance becomes disrupted, you will experience digestive problems such as nausea, gas, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and cramps. It’s normal to have some candida in your gut but if it starts to overproduce you will develop these symptoms. 

Studies have shown that Candida overgrowth can cause the development of many gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease. It’s important to look after your digestive health and watch out for the key signs before it progresses.

Sinus Issues

More than 30 million people in the US alone are diagnosed with sinus infections every year. If you’re reading this you’ve probably experienced the symptoms! These include runny nose, loss of smell, persistent headaches, and congestion.

Research from the Mayo clinic into chronic sinus infections found that they were fungal, with 96% of participants presenting with fungi in their sinus mucus. In the case of short-term sinus infections which are caused by bacteria, antibiotics are often prescribed. However, this won’t help chronic sinusitis and can in fact make it worse. In instances of sinusitis that last longer than 3-4 weeks,  candida is often to blame.

Treating Candidiasis

The best method for treating candidiasis is prevention. This involves managing your diet to reduce the amount of refined carbs and sugars you eat, as these can trigger the overproduction of candida. On the other side of things, foods such as garlic, coconut oil, kombucha, and pomegranate are beneficial in preventing candidiasis from occurring. However, dietary changes aren’t always enough and most people need a little extra help. This is why you should also add supplements such as probiotics (see our Advanced Probiotic here) to your dietary regime.

Prevent and Treat Candidiasis With Our Advanced Probiotic

We have developed an Advanced Probiotic to help prevent and treat candidiasis by restoring the gut flora balance in your gut. This will treat your candidiasis, improve your digestion, reduce fatigue, ease digestive discomfort, and boost your immune system.

We’re also giving our dedicated blog readers a special 30% discount off our Advanced Probiotic right now. To avail of this offer please use the code: Candidablog30 when placing your order.