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Thanksgiving Testimonials: Celebrate a Heartburn-Free Holiday with Our Clients!

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As we gear up for the holiday season, we reached out to some of our current and previous clients to learn more about their experiences dealing with heartburn over Thanksgiving and how this has changed thanks to the Heartburn Relief Kit. We know that whilst this is a time of fun and festivities, it can also be daunting for those suffering from digestive issues when Thanksgiving dinner rolls around, so we hope that these experiences will help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that you can overcome this condition and enjoy your meals again.

Kristin Ayotte

When we spoke to our client, Kristen, she expressed how much losing the fear of eating new or different foods has helped her to embrace the holiday with her family again. 

“I once missed an entire holiday celebration with family due to a terrible heartburn episode.  I used to not eat certain cherished family recipes for fear of having heartburn. Thanks to Terra Health I am finally able to enjoy the holidays without having to worry about heartburn. I can  celebrate with family and friends while enjoying my favorite foods. I always take extra acid relief during the day to keep any flare-up from happening. I make a point to be aware of portion size and to eat slowly. I try to enjoy a little bit everything in moderation so I don’t overindulge”

Bari Levy

Our long-standing client, Bari, has been using our products for three years now and is enjoying her Thanksgiving a whole lot more since trying our Heartburn Relief Kit.

“This month makes 3 years that I’ve been a customer of Terra Health Essentials. I finished their plan after 4 months and have remained on the Acid Relief Capsules since, which has changed the quality of my life for the better.

With Thanksgiving approaching, we all know how many of those wonderful traditional foods are a trigger for severe digestion problems.  Holiday eating used to kill me by the evening hours and sometimes lasted for days.  This did not make for a fun holiday experience during those years and it was very stressful knowing in advance that if I ate all the wonderful Thanksgiving dishes that I loved, that I would suffer the consequences of enjoying myself for only a few hours. This also upset my family as well, which put a damper on the holiday.  Not a great way to start off the holiday season, but now that I take 2 Acid Relief Capsules after eating a heavy meal like that, I am now able to enjoy Holiday dining more than ever without too many repercussions.  

Thank you Terra Health for your help and support in making this happen for me! 


Havalina Guervich

Havalina has had great success with the Heartburn Relief Kit, so it was no surprise to hear how much this has changed her Thanksgiving experience for the better! 

In the past the heartburn medication was making my digestion sluggish, and if I forgot to take a pill I would feel it immediately!! I was avoiding all trigger foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits and just any indulgence really… especially late at night. Since going through the Terra Health heartburn treatment, I can focus on what tastes good and what I want to eat, rather than worrying about consequences of having a good meal. I am still aware of the foods that caused discomfort in the past and mindful to not go crazy. But even when I do, any symptoms are very mild and I just take a couple of acid relief pills and it’s gone!”

Moriah Huggler

Moriah shares a similar story to many of our clients, and highlights the anxiety and uncertainty she faced about post-meal symptoms. But those days are now gone thanks to the Heartburn Relief Kit and the positive changes she’s made since.

“The Heartburn Relief Kit has enabled me to focus less on possible symptoms after eating, so I can be more present with family. Before taking the products, I never knew how I was going to be feeling after eating which created anxiety in addition to the GERD stomach problems. In situations with a lot of trigger foods, like holidays, I try my best to know the menu in advance so I can know if I need to prepare food for myself ahead of time. I also make sure to remember portion size is important and not to overeat during these indulgent meals.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

It makes our hearts happy to hear these stories from our clients and to know that the Heartburn Relief Kit has helped them to start enjoying Thanksgiving again! If you can relate to these experiences, we’d love to help you too. Visit our store for more information or leave a comment below if you have any questions about how the Heartburn Relief Kit can resolve your acid reflux for good. Here’s to a happy and heartburn-free Thanksgiving!

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