Barrett’s Esophagus is a condition that affects 1.8% of the population. Now, that might not seem like a lot, but when you consider that it’s the equivalent of over 140 MILLION people, it seems like a lot more.
With that in mind, it’s not surprising that we get a lot of questions about this diagnosis and what it means for our clients. So we figured it was time to talk through exactly what it is, what it means for you, and how you can manage it effectively, especially when it comes to choosing the right supplements.
What is Barrett’s Esophagus?
If you’ve been diagnosed by a specialist, you may or may not be familiar with exactly what this condition is. Unfortunately, we’ve spoken with many people who simply get a diagnosis and have to do most of the legwork themselves when it comes to understanding what they’re dealing with.
This can be a scary diagnosis. You hear “cancer” and suddenly your world implodes. It’s a scary word. It sounds like a big deal and, well, that’s because it is. But understanding this condition and exactly how it relates to the word “cancer” is extremely important for your peace of mind and your recovery.
So let’s talk about it in simple terms. Firstly, do you have cancer? Unless your specialist has told you this, then no. This is a precancerous condition that increases your risk of esophageal cancer, but only a small number of people with BE go on to develop cancer – one study referenced the figure as 3 out of 1000 BE patients per year.
This doesn’t mean there’s no cause for concern – it’s a serious condition that needs to be managed by medical professionals – but it does mean that it’s curable.
Causes and Symptoms
Although the exact cause of Barrett’s Esophagus is still unknown, it is strongly linked to long-term Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Other risk factors include older age, male sex, family history, obesity, smoking, and a hiatus hernia. This is definitely a condition that is much more prevalent in older men than in women.
The main symptom of Barrett’s Esophagus (BE) is reflux that can manifest as heartburn, regurgitation of food, nausea, and upper abdominal pain. We’ve also had many clients report a metallic taste in the mouth or a chronic sore throat. As you can see, given that reflux is the main symptom, the symptoms OF reflux alone can often cause concern, especially when they become chronic. The only real way to know if you have BE in this instance is to visit your doctor and get an endoscopy, and this is generally recommended if you have risk factors. It is also always something we will strongly advise if there are any extreme symptoms such as blood in your vomit or stool as this requires urgent medical attention.
Managing Barrett’s Esophagus: Should You Use The Heartburn Relief Kit?
When we talk to clients with Barrett’s Esophagus, this diagnosis requires special consideration. The Reflux Inhibitor in the Heartburn Relief Kit is not advisable in this instance due to its acidic nature, but there are alternative options available. We recommend sticking with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or acid blockers to manage acid reflux as directed by your doctor while taking our Acid Relief supplement for symptom relief.
It really does take a multifaceted approach to deal with this condition, so now that we’ve identified the best supplement for you, let’s look at what else you need to be doing/aware of.
We’re no big fans of PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) for treating regular acid reflux, but they have their place. And this is one of them. If you have BE your doctor will likely prescribe you some PPIs or acid blockers to help ease those symptoms and protect your esophagus from further damage. Rather than increasing stomach acidity, these work to reduce the acid in your stomach which helps to promote healing.
Lifestyle Changes
The next part is your lifestyle and the changes you need to make. I know it sounds boring and maybe a waste of time but, trust me, it can make a big difference. The easiest way to get started is to simply watch what you eat. Spicy foods, citrus fruits, caffeine, and booze can all make your symptoms worse. So, try to stick to a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins.
On that note, if you’ve got some extra pounds hanging around then this is the time to get rid of them. Carrying too much weight can put pressure on your stomach and make the acid splash back up into your esophagus causing extra pain you just don’t need. So, get moving, hit the gym, take a walk, go rollerblading, whatever it is you enjoy enough to get out there and get active.
And for any smokers reading – now’s the time to kick the habit. Smoking weakens the valve at the bottom of your esophagus, making it easier for acid to creep back up. You’ll notice a big difference when you stop, and it’ll be worth it.
Stress Management
Stress is something that can make your symptoms worse without you even realizing it. Ever had one of those days where your reflux has flared up and you just can’t figure it out? Take a moment to think about whether you’ve been under stress,
If this is something you struggle with, we know the answer isn’t always so simple. Sometimes some daily yoga or medication will help and sometimes it’s got to a point where you really need to sit down and talk to a professional. Only you know what the best way is for you to work through it and get a handle on it, but once you do you’ll see just how much it has been affecting your life and how much better you feel inside and out. Take that first step by researching the options and tools available to you, and go from there.
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies: In addition to medication, some natural remedies can help provide relief from Barrett’s Esophagus symptoms. Here are a few to consider in addition to the Acid Relief supplement;
- Aloe Vera: Although this is an ingredient in our Acid Relief, many of our clients are fans of also drinking aloe vera due to how soothing it is on the throat and esophagus for heartburn relief.
- Ginger: Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. Try drinking ginger tea or adding fresh ginger to your meals.
- Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow root is a herb that can help soothe the lining of the esophagus and reduce irritation caused by acid reflux. It’s a key ingredient in our Acid Relief supplement but you can also have it in a soothing cup of tea.
- Chamomile Tea: Everyone knows about the calming effects of chamomile tea and it has the same effect on the digestive system. So it’s a no-brainer when it comes to calming both your body and mind and to help with acid reflux relief.
Regular Check-ups
Last but not least, make sure you’re keeping up with your doctor’s appointments. I know it can be stressful having tests and waiting on results, but it’s better to know than to worry and suffer in silence. They’ll just want to keep an eye on how you’re doing and make sure everything’s okay. So, don’t skip those check-ups – they’re super important.
You Have the Power to Take Control of Your Condition
We know that Barrett’s Esophagus sounds daunting, but I hope this article has shown you that taking the right approach to managing it makes all the difference to the impact it has on your life. You can start to take control of it rather than letting the symptoms control you.
By understanding what’s going on in your body, making lifestyle changes, incorporating natural remedies, and working closely with your medical provider, you can effectively manage symptoms and reduce the risk of it developing further. And remember, you’re not alone in this journey, you can reach out to us for support whenever you need it. If you have any questions at all the comments section is yours.
Is it worse on me because I smoke.
Years of not knowing! Doctors not figuring it out until now 😩