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Barrett’s Esophagus: What You Need to Know and How to Manage It Effectively

Barrett’s Esophagus is a condition that affects 1.8% of the population. Now, that might not seem like a lot, but when you consider that it’s the equivalent of over 140 MILLION people, it seems like a lot more. With that in mind, it’s not surprising that we get a lot of questions about this diagnosis …

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GERD Relief: How Digestive Enzymes Fit into Your Heartburn Relief Kit Plan

GERD isn’t fun. This is a condition we’ve been helping our clients to overcome for years and we truly understand just how debilitating it can be. Luckily, by developing a solution based on the latest science in this area, we have many clients who are now living a life free of acid reflux and acid …

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Glow from Within: Embracing a Healthy Gut for Happy Skin

The gut-brain connection is something that gained a lot of attention over the past few years, but what about the gut-skin connection? As we’ve learned more about the intricacies of gut health, we have also uncovered the profound impact it has on various aspects of our body including our skin. When you feel your best, …

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The Detox Dilemma: Is Your Body Begging for a Fresh Start?

Have you ever felt like your body needs a reset button? You know those days when you just don’t feel like yourself? That’s your body telling you something. It’s trying to alert you that it needs a little extra attention – and that’s not a message you should ignore. So if you’ve been feeling a …

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Savor Every Bite: A Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Food

It’s easy to overlook the importance of digestive health until you start to experience symptoms that force you to look into it more. But why wait? Proper digestion plays a massive role in how you feel day to day so it’s essential to ensure you’re getting the most out of the food you eat. The …

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Natural Solutions for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief

Constipation is a common issue that affects almost everyone at some stage in their lives, some more so than others. However, if you’ve ever tried laxatives then you know that they’re not always the most comfortable solution!  The struggle to poop often arises from a combination of factors, with diet playing a crucial role. High-fiber …

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Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

In the ever-evolving wellness space, where our social media feeds are taken over with trends like meditation retreats, CBD-infused everything, and the ongoing obsession with juicing, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. While some of these trends may seem like fleeting fads, others stand firmly on the grounds of scientific research and deserve …

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The Probiotic Journey: From Ingestion to Health-Boosting Benefits

Probiotics are one of the most widely used supplements, but do you know how they actually work to keep your body healthy? Today we’re going to delve into the journey that little capsule takes through your digestive system, and how it works to boost both your body and mind! The Gut Microbiome Our digestive system …

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