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Category: Health

Tips from the Experts: Reclaim Your Health in 2024

Now that January is over, what better time to give yourself a pep talk to make sure you stick to those New Year resolutions?! Everyone needs a little extra motivation when February rolls around, so we reached out to 2 amazing wellness experts we previously interviewed here in the blog for their recommendations and insights

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How to Balance Your Blood Sugar and Why It Matters

We’ve all experienced the sugar rush followed by the sugar crash. There’s a reason why your sweet snack at lunch is followed by the afternoon slump! This energy slump caused by low blood sugar leaves you feeling exhausted and irritable, affecting not only your productivity but also your long-term health.  If this feeling is something

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Insomnia SOS: Practical Steps to Conquer Sleepless Nights

It’s 3am and you find yourself in an all-too-familiar scenario: the world shuts down for the night but your mind is still racing. Everything you didn’t get done today and need to do tomorrow is racing through your mind and you just can’t settle. You toss and turn as you try to switch your mind

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Simplifying Wellness: Your Guide to a Natural and Easy Detox

For many people, the idea of a full-body detox is somewhat daunting. When you think “detox”, you think “hunger pangs, right?! But there’s a whole lot more to embarking on a detox journey than starting a juicing diet. And here’s the best part of all, it can even be something you enjoy doing! Detoxification is

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Simple Self-Care Strategies for a Happier You in 2024

You’d be forgiven for thinking the term “self-care” is a bit of an internet buzzword at the moment, but it’s a lot more than that. Self-care goes way beyond just taking a bubble bath to unwind (although that helps too!); it’s about taking care of your mental, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. And most importantly

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Wellness Check: What’s In and Out for 2024

In 2024, wellness is steering away from fleeting fads. Instead, our focus is on prioritizing sustainable habits and taking a genuine approach to self-care. The “new year, new you” mantra is becoming less about setting unattainable goals and more about taking realistic steps to create a balanced and healthy lifestyle that makes YOU happy.  Now,

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Optimize Your Workouts: The Power of Herbs for Muscle Recovery

Whether you’re embarking on a new fitness adventure in 2024 or already a bit of a fitness veteran, it’s essential not to underestimate the importance of muscle recovery for optimal results. Especially to help to relieve the dreaded DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) the morning after!  Many herbs can expedite post-workout recovery, but where do

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Serotonin Secrets: How Your Gut Shapes a Happier You

Ever wondered why you get butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous or where that “hangry” feeling comes from when you skip lunch? Well, scientists have been wondering too, and they’ve learned a lot. While the idea of simply eating ourselves “happy” might sound like a wellness trend, recent research has shown the powerful impact

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Winter Wellness: 5 Vital Tips to Boost Your Immunity

As we get into the depths of fuzzy socks season, it’s not just about dusting off our winter gear; it’s about giving our immune systems a little extra love. So let’s ditch the winter blues with  some extra TLC and keep yourself feeling cozy on the inside and out this year. 1.Fortify Your Diet It’s

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