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Category: Health

Boost Your Health with Liposomal Vitamin B12: Let’s Dive In!

Staying on top of our health becomes even more of a priority when you find yourself having to schedule time to just take a breather from modern life. We all know the drill: juggling work, family, and a hundred other responsibilities can leave us feeling drained and exhausted. This is where the convenience vitamins and

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Which Liposomal Supplement is Right For You?

Life these days is all about hacking; life hacks, productivity hacks, and perhaps one of the most important of them all – wellness hacks. We want to spend less time doing the mundane tasks that preoccupy our minds and spend more time doing the things we love and with the people we love. And the

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Supplement Timing Made Simple: When and Why

Supplements play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being, even with the best of diets. Whether you’re taking B vitamins, digestive enzymes, magnesium, or a range of other supplements, it’s essential to know the best time to incorporate them into your daily routine. And as many of our clients are on multiple supplements,

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Sip Your Way to Wellness: Immunity-Boosting Tea Recipes 

Building up your immune system is a must when winter rolls around and one of the best tricks to have up your sleeve is a soothing cup of herbal tea. These comforting brews not only offer warmth and relaxation on a cold night, but are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and other essential compounds to

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Mocktail Magic: Mix Up Your Wellness Routine!

Who said healthy living can’t be fun and yum?! Whether you want to unwind after a long work day or just have a craving for some revitalizing refreshment, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together some of our favorite mocktails infused with the power of our Super Greens and Liposomal B-12 supplements to really take

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6 Simple Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism

You’ve probably heard a lot about metabolism. It’s commonly one of the first things people talk about when they’re struggling with weight loss, and for good reason! If your metabolism is slow, it can have a massive effect on how your body functions and feels. But what exactly IS metabolism? The best way to compare

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From Fatigued to Fantastic!

Boosting Your Energy Levels With Vitamin B12 If you’ve been feeling low in energy, you’re not alone! It appears that a large number of U.S. adults are dealing with a lack of energy. A survey done in 2022 revealed that 60% of adults reported they did not have enough energy. Various things can lead to

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Are You Safeguarding Your Body Against Aging and Disease?

The Importance of Antioxidants and the Consequences of Free Radicals Antioxidants have been a buzzword in the health and wellness community for some time now, and for good reason. Your body’s cells face threats every day – not only from external threats like viruses and infections, but also from the byproducts of cellular functions called

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Step into Nature: The Benefits of Walking Barefoot

We all know that getting out in nature is good for the soul, but did you know it’s good for your soles too?! Walking barefoot, also known as “earthing” or “grounding” has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the many benefits it provides for both the body and mind. You’ll have to skip

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