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Category: Digestion

Boost Your Immunity with this Powerful Cold Season Remedy

Every household has its own traditional remedy for tackling the winter blues, a tried and tested elixir that’s been passed down through generations. But do they really work on boosting your immune system? You might be surprised to learn that there is often actual science behind your grandmother’s cold and flu busting concoction, especially in

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Mocktail Magic: Mix Up Your Wellness Routine!

Who said healthy living can’t be fun and yum?! Whether you want to unwind after a long work day or just have a craving for some revitalizing refreshment, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together some of our favorite mocktails infused with the power of our Super Greens and Liposomal B-12 supplements to really take

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How Dora Quit PPIs and Resolved Her Acid Reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux, you’ll know that the road to relief can be long and arduous, with many hurdles along the way. However, the important thing to know is that it IS possible. Our client Dora, 62, has been battling acid reflux for over a decade before starting our Heartburn Relief Kit program,

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6 Simple Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism

You’ve probably heard a lot about metabolism. It’s commonly one of the first things people talk about when they’re struggling with weight loss, and for good reason! If your metabolism is slow, it can have a massive effect on how your body functions and feels. But what exactly IS metabolism? The best way to compare

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How Your Diet Can Help You Conquer Those Sleepless Nights

Are you tired of tossing and turning, counting sheep, and struggling to catch those elusive ZZZs? We’ve all been there. And it’s not just about feeling a bit groggy when the alarm sets off either. The effects of sleep deprivation can really impact our lives, affecting everything from our professional productivity to interpersonal relationships, health

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Akkermansia: The Secret Superhero in Your Gut!

Aside from being an incredible tricky word to pronounce, muciniphila is a super unique probiotic that lives in your gut. It was first discovered in 2004 and this was considered a scentific breakthrough. During their research, scientists discovered that this powerful probiotic is essential for healthy immune system functioning. However, further studies have shown that

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The Anti-Aging Power of the NAD+ Supplement

Everyone remembers the day they spotted their first wrinkles or grey hair. It doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 55, you suddenly just feel OLD. But the good news is that while we may not be able to stop the aging process altogether, we can delay its effects. In recent years, there has been a

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