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Category: Health

5 Simple Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

One of the best resolutions you can make every year is to look after your health. But where do you start with a healthy lifestyle? A gym membership? Meditation? A new diet? Sometimes the options can be so overwhelming that you just don’t know where to begin. In behavioral science this is something that’s referred

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5 Fiber Facts That Could Completely Heal Your Gut

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about “fiber”? I bet it’s something to do with your toilet activities…right?! And you’re not wrong. Having a high fiber diet is essential for a healthy digestive system. However, whilst fiber is super important for regulating your bowel movements, it has many more benefits!

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5 Common Myths About Probiotics

Probiotics are one of the most commonly used supplement worldwide, but there are a lot of misconceptions about what this supplement is and what it does. So let’s get to work on clearing things up! Firstly, what is a probiotic? Your gut contains a diverse microbiome made up of trillions of bacteria, both good and

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ACV Gummies: A Delicious Way To Improve Digestion

Let’s Make Good Gut Health Easier to Digest Wouldn’t it be great if everything that’s good for you tasted just as good? Unfortunately that’s not always the case… I mean, does anyone wake up thinking “I’d love to start today with a shot of wheatgrass”?! That’s why you see 1000s of smoothie recipes that sneak

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5 Warning Signs of Gastritis You Need to Watch Out For

How many times have you had a stomach ache and dismissed it as something you ate, or a “stomach bug”? If you’re doing this a few times a month then that’s TOO MANY. The problem with stomach pain is that we tend to think “oh it’s nothing serious” once it eases off within a few

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Heartburn and Gastritis: What’s The Difference?

I used to think gastritis and heartburn were pretty much the same thing! So whenever I felt that familiar burning stomach pain I’d just pop a TUMs and get on with my day. If you’re in the same boat, you’re not alone. Many people get confused by these conditions because the symptoms of gastritis and

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How to Relieve Gastritis Symptoms Fast

What is Gastritis? If you’re suffering from gastritis it means that your stomach lining has become inflamed. The gnawing, burning feeling that comes with the condition is quite difficult to live with. Even more so when you have no idea what’s causing it. Millions of Americans live with gastritis symptoms each year so you’re definitely

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Client Journey Series: Neil Staite

Terra Health Essentials client, Neil, is 59 years old and has suffered without relief from acid reflux for 5 years. He describes “intermittent stabbing pain in stomach, acid reflux/burning in the stomach and throat” alongside some “occasional constipation’”. These are common acid reflux symptoms but what is often missed is the underlying cause. The occasional

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