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Savor Every Bite: A Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Food

It’s easy to overlook the importance of digestive health until you start to experience symptoms that force you to look into it more. But why wait? Proper digestion plays a massive role in how you feel day to day so it’s essential to ensure you’re getting the most out of the food you eat. The …

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How Restricted Diets Are Destroying Your Gut: What You Need to Know

Cut out gluten? Dairy? Sugar? It’s a common practice in the wellness industry to restrict certain foods when you’re experiencing digestive issues. And for good reason – it can feel like the only way you can get relief is by restricting what you eat. But what if this ongoing restriction of food groups is making …

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The Link Between Acid Reflux and Flatulence

If you suffer from acid reflux then you’re likely familiar with uncomfortable flatulence and bloating that often come with it. So if you’ve been wondering if those two things are connected – the answer is a resounding YES! In order to explain this properly, we need to first look at the “normal” digestive process and …

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Silent Reflux (LPR): Everything You Need To Know

Most people have heard of or experienced GERD. If you’re familiar with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) and acid reflux then you’re probably just as familiar with the burning sensation of heartburn and other painful symptoms associated with it. But there is another form of acid reflux called laryngopharyngeal reflux. This type often presents without heartburn. It …

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What Happens When Acid Blockers Don’t Work?

Almost half of the US population suffers from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) symptoms. Acid blockers are usually the first port of call for these patients. But many don’t get any relief from these overly prescribed medications and are left stumped about what to try next. There are a few reasons why this situation is so …

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How Healing Your Gut Can Support Your Immune System

temmmuup to .iIn the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic it’s more important than ever to keep your immune system as healthy as possible. Strengthening your immune system can’t stop you from contracting the virus, but it can help to mitigate your response to it. We know this because this is a virus that hits the …

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How to Upgrade Your Body With Biohacking

Biohacking represents the human desire to become the very best version of ourselves and it’s ultimately the evolution of what started off as general self-improvement. Biohackers believe in an input/output system where inputs such as diet and exercise significantly affect outputs, such as your mood and energy. With this belief system in place, biohackers constantly …

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Follow These Good Food Habits for a Healthy Gut

 More and more people are becoming educated about good food habits and gut health. This has led the way to even more advancements in the treatments available to help to optimize your digestion and overall well-being! While you might not be sharing your poop schedule on Facebook updates 3 times a day, we as a …

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